

Driven by pure cultural reasons, the CIGAR SOCIETY aspires to build a community of enthusiastic cigar aficionados, professionals and academics around one goal: share impartial and constructive experiences and knowledge around our Passion, our Culture, and our Industry through the on-line publication of the JOURNAL of the CIGAR SOCIETY.


For this purpose, the JOURNAL will:

  • Collect, review and publish a nice diversity of articles directly or indirectly interesting to the Cigar Society. Articles will be published in English or Spanish.
  • Create a cigar knowledge platform – open and neutral – by presenting the articles in intuitive categories.
  • Publish the articles at the-cigar-society.com and on “The Cigar Society” community on Facebook.
  • Encourage active and collaborative reading to make readers contribute to spreading the reputation of the JOURNAL and therefore to collect more submissions of interesting articles.
  • Recognize authors as fellow members of the “The Cigar Society Authors’ Club”. Distinguish all authors contributing within the first 6 month of the JOURNAL as “Founding Authors”.






