RESEARCH – Manuscript Presentation


  • English and Spanish are the languages used. Efforts made to ensure that the language used is corrected before submission will be deeply appreciated. This will greatly improve the legibility of your paper if English or Spanish is not your first language.


  • Please double-space all material and leave adequate margins on all sides to allow reviewers‘ remarks. Paragraphs and headings should be clearly distinguishable but not numbered. Pages should be individually numbered (1 of total).


  • Standard structure and length (in signs including spaces) should follow the JOURNAL guidelines.
  • > FIRST PAGE containing alone
  • —- Running head (shortened title, max 14 words)
  • —- Full title (if needed)
  • —- Keywords (max 7 words)
  • —- Author(s)
  • —- Affiliation(s) / Company (max 330 signs)
  • —- Author(s) references including e-mail address for correspondence, telephone and fax number
  • > ABSTRACT (max 400 signs and starting at the second page)
  • > CONCLUSION (max 700 signs)
  • > (Optional) FIGURES
  • > (Optional) TABLES
  • > (Optional) NOTES
  • > (Optional) REFERENCES


  • Optional sections guidelines
  • > FIGURES – Each photograph, graph or diagram should be referred to in the text as a ‘Figure’ and should be numbered consecutively (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). Figures should be listed and explained at the end of the article before the References in a FIGURE section.
  • > TABLES – Each table should be referred to in the text as a ‘Table’ and should be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Tables should be listed and explained at the end of the article before the References in a TABLE section.
  • > NOTES – Please use endnotes rather than footnotes. Notes should be indicated by consecutive superscript numbers in the text and listed at the end of the article before the References.
  • > REFERENCES – Bibliographical references rules are:
  • —- In the text / References should be presented as “Dupont (2011)”.
  • —- In the list / Listed alphabetically and chronologically
  • —- In the list / For book: SURNAME First name (year) Title. Publisher, City, number of pages.
  • —- In the list / For article: SURNAME First name (year) Title. JOURNAL or Magazine name, issue number or date, first page-last page.
  • —- In the list / For an electronic reference: SURNAME First name (year) Title. Type of document, Institution, URL.
  • —- When there are more than two authors, only the first author‘s name should be mentioned, followed by ‘et al.‘. When a cited author has had several publications during the same year, a lower case letter like ‘a, b, c, etc‘ should be used to chronologically distinguish the documents.


  • Electronic figures submission guidelines
  • > Formats: EPS for vector graphics / TIFF for bitmapped graphics / JPEG for image format.
  • > Resolutions:  300 dpi for photographs / 600 – 1200 dpi for line figures


  • Other presentation guidelines if needed
  • > SYMBOLS AND UNITS – Please use SI units.
  • > QUOTATIONS – Smaller font should be used to clearly distinguish from normal text. Use double quotation marks for direct quotations and single quotation marks for words or phrases used in a special sense.
  • > ABBREVIATION – Abbreviation and their explanations should be presented as note.






